Demographics of SAT/SMT

The following info was extracted from my web server, like I already did before for the RE4B book. It's for the year 2023.

$ cat *smt*/access*2023* | grep pdf | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort | uniq | xargs -L 1 geoiplookup | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -n | grep -v "can't resolve hostname"

   3361 GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
   1364 GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
    873 GeoIP Country Edition: SG, Singapore
    559 GeoIP Country Edition: CN, China
    538 GeoIP Country Edition: DE, Germany
    420 GeoIP Country Edition: GB, United Kingdom
    302 GeoIP Country Edition: FR, France
    286 GeoIP Country Edition: CA, Canada
    270 GeoIP Country Edition: NL, Netherlands
    266 GeoIP Country Edition: IN, India
    198 GeoIP Country Edition: IT, Italy
    194 GeoIP Country Edition: AT, Austria
    191 GeoIP Country Edition: JP, Japan
    184 GeoIP Country Edition: AU, Australia
    167 GeoIP Country Edition: VN, Vietnam
    131 GeoIP Country Edition: CZ, Czech Republic
    127 GeoIP Country Edition: ES, Spain
    126 GeoIP Country Edition: UA, Ukraine
    122 GeoIP Country Edition: HK, Hong Kong
    121 GeoIP Country Edition: KR, Korea, Republic of
    113 GeoIP Country Edition: FI, Finland
    111 GeoIP Country Edition: PL, Poland
    109 GeoIP Country Edition: SE, Sweden
    100 GeoIP Country Edition: IE, Ireland
     96 GeoIP Country Edition: IL, Israel

Full list: 130 countries/territories.

Again, a strange bias towards Singapore. Maybe it's their IPv4 allocation policy.

(the post first published at 20240212.)

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