For example, a license key/code contains 40 Latin characters (A..Z). How many possible license codes can be? (Python)
import math total=26**40 total 397131118389635994560666234198316439032157304558637285376
How many bits/bytes a license key/code can contain?
math.log(total,2) 188.0175887256437 math.log(total,2)/8 23.50219859070546
So a license code can contain 189 bits or 24 bytes.
But we employ here Python's capability of bignums. Can we calculate this using real/floating numbers? Like, in pure C?
Let's use the fact that \( log_{26}(total) = 40 \). To convert a logarithm of a number in base X to logarithm in base Y, multiply it by \( \frac{log(X)}{log(Y)} \).
math.log(total,26) 40.0 math.log(26)/math.log(2) 4.700439718141093 40*(math.log(26)/math.log(2)) 188.0175887256437
math.log(x) is natural logarith, but any base will work during 'coversion':
40*(math.log(26,123)/math.log(2,123)) 188.0175887256437
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